Trans-Siberian Truckway Version 1.6 for ETS2 1.53


Trans-Siberian Truckway v1.6 for ETS2 1.53

Changelog v1.6
Included new cities: Tommot, Ulu, Nizhnii Bestyakh, Churapcha, Khandyga, Ust-Nera, Artyk
Added a new RC to Off the Grid

Explore the map of Russia, traversing Siberia and the Far East, from Omsk Oblast to Vladivostok, via Lake Baikal, the Amur River, and the Sakha Republic.
Experience over 6000 km of roads and visit 40 different cities.

This mod primarily aims to link multiple diverse maps such as:
Altai Map (no longer requires a separate RC)
Beyond Map
Additionally, future connections to Russian open spaces and Off the Grid are planned.

Load order: Ensure it is placed above other maps with connectors at the top.

Compatibility: Requires version 1.53

Credits: kwigdulah

How to install ETS2 or ATS Mods
Installing mods in Euro Truck Simulator 2 is straightforward. Simply download the mod from here, and copy/unzip the files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder. For American Truck Simulator (ATS), place the mods in: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. You can use WinRAR or 7zip to unzip files. After that, activate the mods you wish to use.
Report any bugs in the comments section to assist modders in improving this mod. Always check the comments as you may find solutions there.


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