How To Download ETS2 v1.32.2.25s + 59 DLC’s (Euro Truck Simulator 2 1.32 Open Beta)


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Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1.32 Open Beta
Open Beta of Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1.32 is now available as a preview of things to come. We will launch the open beta for the upcoming ATS update soon, too, once we are done fixing the first wave of reported problems from this beta.

IMPORTANT: Due to the scope and scale of the major changes to the game, in order to get as much feedback as possible, we are sharing this open beta with the community earlier than usual in the development cycle. There are still minor known issues that we are working on, and there may be even bigger bugs hidden there that we hope you will help us discover. If you think that the risk and possibly frustration with an unstable and unpolished beta is worth it for you, make sure to back up your player profile to have a safe way to come back to 1.31 in case you get tired of testing. Many mods may have got broken due to extensive data format and logic changes. An early open beta gives the mod authors a chance to start making the necessary changes already, but for testing at this moment, you may need to switch most mods off just to get things working.

With the disclaimer out of the way, finally, let’s focus on the positives. If you thought 1.31 was big (we did), 1.32 is huge with its truckload of new content!

Trailer ownership:
The first major addition is trailer ownership. A dedicated cross-disciplined team worked on this feature for more than a year, and we believe that the result will be a welcome addition to our games. Now trailers can be bought, tuned, painted and used by both you and your company drivers. So don’t be surprised if you don’t find a trailer in the garage you left it in. One of your employees might have taken it for a ride – that is if you didn’t lock the said trailer to limit it only for yourself.

Download (ETS2 v1.32.2.25s + 59 DLC’s uTorrent):
Password: lol
Download (ETS2 v1.32.2.25s + 59 DLC’s Direct link):

Password: loløl

Backup links (If 1st isn’t working):

Download (ETS2 v1.32.2.25s + 59 DLC’s uTorrent):
Password: lol
Download (ETS2 v1.32.2.25s + 59 DLC’s Direct link):

Password: loløl

If you have any problems with the game or links, please tell me.



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