MongoTV_3821 – Mongo Games – Part 190 – Euro Truck Simulator 2 – ETS2 – Russian Open Spaces – Igor


PART 190 – Russian Open Spaces 7.5 map for ETS2 1.35. Part 184 to 194 is same game session. A BIG THANKS to map designer MOROZOV (Pavel) for this very big russian map, i hope to see more versions in the furture and updates and more cities and long roads. NOTES FROM THIS GAME SESSION : I was like 4 month ago, i had drive on this ETS2 profile and that map, but i had open it few times to have a look. I spendt more than 2 houres tonight to download and update all AI traffic packs, to the most new version for ETS2 1.35 and the most new to the current version ETS2 1.36. I like the russian open spaces map, and i like to explore a lot more of this big map, but i was busy drive in American Truck Simulator the last 3-4 month, and i did play many ohter game too. I did not sleep this Friday night, and now is close to 10 AM morning. I will try to stay awake to like 4 PM, and then drive again 3 1/2 houre, when my JVC camcorder is finish charged 100%. Have a good day too 🙂



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