Travego 15SE 2015 Rize Skin v1.0 for ETS2
Greetings to all! You can download the Rize skin I created for the Mercedes Benz Travego 2015 Special Edition using the link provided below!
To see the skin applied on the vehicle, ensure it’s activated in the mod manager and select either “Kendiniz Yapabilirsiniz 1” or “Kendiniz Yapabilirsiniz Metallic 1” under the painting options in the service menu.
Credits: OyuncuyusBisMods mrtcnd
Installation Guide for ETS2 or ATS Mods
Installing mods in Euro Truck Simulator 2 is straightforward. Simply download the mod from this page, and copy/unzip the files into your “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder. For American Truck Simulator, use the “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder instead. To extract files, you can use programs like WinRAR or 7zip. Finally, don’t forget to activate the desired mods before playing.
If you encounter any issues, please report them in the comments to assist modders in enhancing this mod. Always read through the comments for potential solutions.