Visiting GameHard in Norway | Euro Truck Simulator (Oculus Rift VR Gameplay)


Head to my discord channel and post in “ukrifters-live-stream-chat” channel.

Please hit that subscribe button it honestly makes my day!
Want to buy me a beer?
Want to chat VR? – Join my VR community discord server: or on Twitter @UKRift, or Facebook – Also, check out my Virtual Reality articles and opinions on

Also on Twitch for a better experience.

**Voice Acting** – I currently offer FREE voice acting for VR projects.

Hugely grateful if you could share this video with your friends & family via : twitter, facebook, reddit, etc.

== Who the devil are you Sir? ==
Typically I play with VR on my weekends and schedule video posts through the week. I invest my own money in order to review, compare and contrast. I run this for the love of the technology, I am NEVER paid for my opinion, and as a result my opinions will remain unbiased, however, as I tend to praise in public and feedback negative experiences privately to developers, I rarely review a bad title. Not seen something reviewed here, maybe you have your answer.

== Special Thanks ==
UKRifter Logo by Jo Baker Freelance Design –

== Techno Babble for the Geeks ==
HMD: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift DK1 / DK2 / CV1
CPU: i7 4790K
GPU: Nvidia EVGA 1080 SC edition
Storage: SSD / Hybid SSD
Screen recorder: OBS
Wheel: Logitech G27
Joystick: Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS X
Mouse: RAT 7

== Legal ==
The thoughts and opinions expressed by UKRifter and other contributors are those of the individual contributors alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, sponsors, family members, pets or voices in their heads.

== Audio Credits ==
UKRifter Jingle by Christopher Gray
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Multistreaming with


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